What is Moissanite & Where to Buy It?

Moissanite is a lab-created gemstone that closely mimics the look and brilliance of a diamond. It is made from silicon carbide, a naturally occurring mineral that was first discovered in a meteor crater. The lab-created moissanite is made to mimic the look of a diamond, it has a similar brilliance and fire, which means it is able to reflect light in a similar way. Moissanite is also harder than many other diamond alternatives, such as cubic zirconia, which makes it more durable and resistant to scratches and chips.

Moissanite has become a popular alternative to diamonds due to its affordability, eco-friendly and conflict-free properties. It is also available in a variety of colors, including colorless, yellow, and even green. This gives you more options when it comes to finding the perfect ring to match your style. Moissanite is also low-maintenance and hypoallergenic, making it a great choice for anyone with sensitive skin.

In recent years, Moissanite has become more popular, it is now sold in various jewelry types including engagement rings, earrings, pendants, and bracelets. Moissanite is a great alternative for those looking for a high-quality and affordable alternative to diamond.

Where to Buy Moissanite Rings?

There are several places where you can buy moissanite engagement rings:

  1. Online retailers: There are several online retailers that specialize in moissanite engagement rings. Some popular options include Charles & Colvard, MoissaniteCo, and MoissaniteBridal.
  2. Jewelry stores: Some brick-and-mortar jewelry stores like Avita Jewellery carry moissanite engagement rings. Be sure to check with your local jewelers to see if they carry moissanite.
  3. Custom jewelers: Some custom jewelers can create a moissanite engagement ring to your specifications.
  4. Online marketplaces: you can also find moissanite engagement rings on online marketplaces such as Amazon, Etsy, and Ebay.

When buying a moissanite engagement ring, it’s important to ensure that you are buying from a reputable source and that the ring is of high quality. Be sure to check the warranty and return policy of the retailer before making your purchase.

It’s also important to note that the price of a moissanite engagement ring will vary depending on the size, color, and quality of the stone, as well as the type and quality of the metal used for the ring. It’s a good idea to shop around to compare prices and ensure that you are getting the best deal.

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